It has been 7 years since this blog began. And in that time a lot of things have happened: I have joined the workforce again, our home has changed as we have done so much to it, our boys are so grown and independent, my father and grandmother (who I wrote about since my last post) have passed away and, for better or for worse, we have gotten older. Although, I must admit, I see it more as a blessing than a curse. Seven years feel like years while you're going through them, but feel like seconds when you look back.
Through it all, I am reminded that life is cyclical and everything is temporary. While there have been some tough times along the way, there have also been many blessings. Our oldest son who had just been diagnosed with ASD is now officially a teenager and getting fantastic grades in school. Our youngest son is too smart for his own good at times and a dedicated athlete. My husband continues to be my best friend and a wonderful companion. Our dog is still a wonderful addition to our family and the goodest, happiest boi.
I feel a new chapter commencing. A new chance to try new things: I have gotten off of social media. It was too much to bear, too much to muddle through, too anxiety-ridden. My brain couldn't stop ruminating every second of the day about the things my eyes captured for a split-second. So, I left. And there is no part of me that misses it. I needed the break. Desperately. My mind needed the freedom that disconnection brings. The silence. But also...I still need a space that is mine. A virtual hole-in-the-wall so to speak. A place where I can still speak my mind and share the things I love without resorting to doom-scrolling for hours on end while still feeling empty because the satiety never came. So, I am back to blogging and sharing but, this time, in my own terms and my own schedule.
With this, I wish to start this new chapter and bring you to enjoy every adventure we embark on. I hope you'll come to have some fun of your own along the way. Stay tuned!
