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1. I belong.

2. I am part of the universe.

3. I approve of myself and love myself deeply.

4. I am free to express what I feel.

5. I can absolutely do anything I put my mind to.

6. I am calm, happy and content.

7. I surround myself with positive people.

8. I am responsible for my feelings.

9. I don't need someone else to feel happiness.

10. When I forgive others, I am released.

11. I am allowed to take time to heal.

12. I have the right to be me, just as I am.

13. I am stronger each and every day.

14. I choose peace.

15. I am courageous and stand up for myself.

16. My imperfections make me unique, one-of-a-kind.

17. I have all that I need.

18. I'm allowed to make mistakes and learn from them.

19. My body is healthy and I'm grateful.

20. I appreciate my body. I love and accept my body.

21. My potential for success is limitless.

22. My life becomes richer as I get older.

23. I am guided by my inner wisdom.

24. I deserve to be healthy and loved.

25. My past is not a reflection of my future.

26. I deserve to have joy in my life.

27. I enjoy life more each and every day.

28. I deserve to be trusted. I trust myself.

29. I surround myself with love.

30. I'm in control of how I react to others.

31. I am able to relax and let go.

32. I am filled with a feeling of quiet calmness.

33. I am doing my best and that is enough.

34. I love and accept myself.

35. I enjoy being alone. I am good company.

36. I forgive myself.

37. My entire body works in beautiful, natural, rhythmic harmony.

38. I am willing to change and learn.

39. I am worthy of my own love.

40. I say NO without feeling guilty.

41. I'm bold, beautiful, brilliant.

42. I am open to all healing.

43. I take back my power to heal and feel good.

44. I am whole and complete.

45. I am at peace with myself.

46. I'm free to create the life I desire.

47. I deserve love. I love myself.

48. I let go of all that no longer serves me.

49. I am worthy of respect and acceptance.

50. I can. I will. End of story.

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